
Showing posts from February, 2021

Padma a Nagkanya

                    Padma   a   Nagkanya                                        (MAA   MANASA)         Yograj   is a small village.If   this village is small but a beautiful village.This is a normal village.Present day a news is rumer in Yograj village.All people in this village are talk about this rumer .This rumer is about a Nagkanya .All the village people see that every night a Nagkanya come in their village temple & lighting temple.Nagkanya lighting temple help her Nagmani.But the villagers do not know who this Nagkanya & after night where she goes.Day time the Nagkanya & the Nagmani   not   visiable.Some villagers hope to acquire Nagmani.Because the Nagmani very Powerful.Takshyak is a   villagers in Yograj.Takshyak is a gentleman .He is new marriage with padma.Padma is a beautiful girl.Padma is like a fay.If you see padma you feel that a fay is come   to   earth from heaven.All villagers always talk about Padma beauties.Takshyak love padma very much.He not k
                                           The   Vulture   &   The   Little   Girl      Kevin Carter commited    sucide   3   month after he won the Pulitzer prize for a photograph of a vulture stalking a starving girl.                                                                                                                (Kevin Carter ) “ I am depressed….without phone… for rent… for child support… for debts…!!!.....I am hunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses   and anger and pain….. of trigger-happy madmen,often police,of killer excutioners….. I have gone to join ken if I am that lucky.”    This is the last word by photographer Kevin Carter .In march 1993,photographer Kevin Carter took a trip of South Sudan,where hetook an iconic photo of a starving little girl being preyed   upon by vulture.He said that the high pitched whimpering sound of a toddler   near the Ayod village attracted   him.The girl was taking a rest while s


 JAY  JAGANNATH                    The story  about Maysur raj pariwar and It  is a real story. Jaduvir Krishna Dutta Badiar-27th King,2021 from may-2015. Srikanta Dutta Badiar last king.After 400 year birth a baby.Last 1612 AD birth a baby.Bring 400 year adopted Son has king in this kingdom curse. 1610-12 king Badiar attack in his neighbour country  Sheram patna and win Maysore.King Badiar win. Defect king Trubala's wife Alam Aloma will stay in tarkar place.So he defect he stay out in his country & death. His become alone.When  queen release her own country he give with us a big quantity of  Jewellery & money .The queen Alam Aloma donate all her Money & Jewellery to a temple. When Maysore king know about this property he want this.So Maysore kong attack this temple.The queen was very afraid and angry so She give cruse to the king of Maysore that they have no birth baby in his Lineage .After give curse, then the queen suicide in kaberi river.After the death of Maysore k