The diary of a young girl, also known as the diary of Anne frank, is a book of the writings from the Dutch -language diary kept by Anne frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherland.

   Publication date~ 25 june,1947

  Published in English ~ 1952

   The copyright of the Dutch version of the diary, published in 1947, expired on 1 January,2016.  70 years after the author’s death as a result of a general rule in copyright law of the European union.

   Her parents moved to the Natherlands  from Germany after Adlof hitler and the Nazis came to power there in 1933 and made life increasingly difficult for jews.In 1942, frank & her family went in to hiding in a secret apartment behind her father’s business in Germany-occupied Amesterdam.

   Anne frank was born Annelies marie frank in Frankfurt, Germany on 12 June,1929.

During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, Anne frank received a blank diary as one of her presents on 12 June,1942, her 13th birth day. According to the Anne frank house, the red, checkered autograph book which Anne used as her diary was actually not a surprise, since she had chosen in the day before with her father when browsing a bookstore near her home. She began to write in it two days later.

             The diary was retrieved by Miep Gies, who gave it to Anne’s father, Otto frank. The diary has since been published in more than 70 language. First published under the title ‘Het Achterhuis’. Anne calls her diary “Kitty”.

     On 4 Auguest, 1944 after 25 months in hiding. After arrest sent by the Gestapo to Westerbork, a holding camp in the Northern Netherlands. Anne and her sister Margot frank were spared immediate death in the Auschwitz gas chambers and instead were sent to Bergen Belsen, a concentration camp in northen Germany . In February 1945, the frank sister died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen; their bodies were thrown in to a mass grave. Several weeks later, on 15 April, 1945, British forces liberated the camp. Her mother Edith frank died of  starvation at Aushwitz in January,1945.

Thank You

Best wishes from

Suvendu Singha,Odisha,India



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