1989 China Tiananmen city massacare.






                    The Tiananmen square protests,known as the June fourth incident in China.Were student led demonstrations held in Tiananmen square,Beijing during 1989.In what is known as the Tiananmen square massacre.The protests started on April 15 and were forcibly suppressed on June 4 when the government declared marital law and sent the people’s liberation army to occupy parts of central Beijing.The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the ’89 Democracy movement or the Tianamen square incident.


 The protests were precipitated by the death of proreform communist general secretary Ha Yaobang in April 1989 .The May fourth movement of  1919 and the April fifth movement of 1976.June fourth refers to the day on which the people’s liberation army cleared Tiananmen square of protesters,although actual operations began on the evening of  June 3.



                    The cultural revolution ended wih chairman Mao zedong’s death in 1976 and the arrest of the Gang of four.In September 1977, Deng Xiaoping proposed the ides of Bolun fan zhang to correct the mistakes of the cultural revolution.Deng’s reforms aimed to decrease the state’s role in the economy and gradualy allow private production in agriculture and industry.


        On August 18,1980, Deng Xiaoping gave a speech titled “On the reform of the party and state leadership system” at a full meeting of the poltical Bureau of the CPC Central committee in Beijing, launching political reforms in China.In December 1982, the fourth and current consttitutions of China,known as the “1982 constitution”, was passed by the 5th National people,s congress.


           The Tiananmen square protests were student-led demonstrations calling for democracy,free speech &  a free press in China.They were halted in a bloody crackdown, known as the Tiananmen square massacre,by the Chinese government in June 4 & 5,1989.Pro-democracy protesters,mostly students,initially marched through Beijing to Tiananmen square following the death of Hu Yaobang.Hu, a former communist party.Leader, had worked to introduce democratic reform in China.Eventually thousands of people joined the students in Tiananmen square,with the protest’s numbers increasing to the teens of thousands by mid-May.


      The students also also  argued that China’s educational system did not adequately prepare them for an economical system with elements of free-market capitalism.


              On May 13, a numbers of the syudent protesters initiated a hunger strike.The Chinese government became increaseingly uncomfortable with the protests,particularly as they disrupted  a visit by prime minister Mikhali Gorbachev of the soviet union on May 15. A welcome ceremony for Gorbachev originally scheduled for Tiananmen square was instead held at the airport ,although otherwise his visit passed without incident. Even so, feeling the demonstrations needed to be curtailed, the  Chinese government declared martial law on May 20 and 250,000 troops entered Beijing. By the end of may more than one million protesters had gathered in Tiananmen square. They held daily marches & vigils, and images of the events were transmitted by media organizations toaudiences in the united states & Europe.



                     While the initial presence of the military failed to quell the protests, the Chinese authortities decided  to increase their aggression. A I AM June 4, Chinese soldiers & police stormed Tiananmen square, firing live rounds into the crowd.


        Although thousands of protesters simply tied to escape, others fought back, stoning the attacking troops & setting fire to military vehicles.Reporters  & western diplomates there that day estimated that hundreds to thousands of protesters were killed in the Tiananman square massacre andas many as 10,000 massacre had been censored.



              According to a survey released in 2019 by the university of Tornato & the university of Hong-kong, more than 3,200 words referencing the massacre had been censored.On the 20th anniversary of the massacre, theChinese government prohibited journalists from entering Tiananmen square & blocked accessto foreign news sits &  social media.


Thank You

For reading


Best wishes from

Suvendu Singha,India,Odisha,Balasore.



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