Wolf Messing A man who can saw the future world


     A Man who see the Future      


                                wolf Messing

     As  an unsurpassed magician, psychic & prophet,  Wolf  Messing is truly an unsolved  mystery of the 20th  century. He is the man whose prophecies brought fear  in to the heart of Hitler and whose supernatural abilities were admired by Freud &  Einstein , the greatest minds of his generation.


                                                                   Berlin city in Germany

          Born in the Russian Empire ( Modern-day Poland) in 1899 into a respectable middle class Jews family, from an early age, Wolf exhibited extraordinary tablets. Wolf messing  was born on 10th September, 1899 in a Jews  family near Warsaw in Poland, a country that was a part of the Russian empire during that time. His parents wanted him to become a Rabbi, a religious scholar of Jews who provides religious teaching. Messing was not good in his studies and was not interested in becoming a Rabbi. Due to constant pressure from his family to traverse a religious path, he got frustrated and decided to run away from the family and make a living of his choice.



       At the age of 16, he ran away from his house and boarded a train to Berlin. He did not have money to purchase a ticket, so he boarded the train without any ticket.


 As he heard the footsteps of the ticket inspector, he got scared and hid under the seat to avoid detection. The ticket inspector found him hiding under the seat and told him to come out and show him the train ticket. Messing started sweating in cold conditions thinking about the consequences of being caught.


Moscow city in Russia

He saw a piece of newspaper lying on the ground under seat. He took that piece of paper and prayed that the piece of paper should appear as a ticket to the inspector and hastily gave that piece of paper to the inspector. To his surprise, the ticket inspector saw the paper and shouted, why you are hiding under the seat when you have a valid ticket. He hands over the piece of paper back to him and leaves. Messing check’s the piece of paper again, and it was just a newspaper piece. That day he realized that he can manipulate the mind of people.


                                                               ( Stalin )

       Messing  reached Berlin and started his livelihood by washing plates and shining shoes. He hardly had enough to feed himself and sometimes spent nights without any food. He joined a circus company in Berlin and soon became popular with his acts of predicting  the place  of the lost items ,  predicting the future and reading the mind of people from the audience. During one of his acts, he predicted the world war II  would begin in the last year of the 1930 decade. Later, when Hitler returned to power, he moved back to Poland.


         In one of his performances is Warsaw, he predicted that if Hitler went to war against the Soviets, that would lead to his defect. Hitler was infuriated and placed a large bounty on Messing’s head when he was informed. Gradually during war, the Nazis seized Warsaw.


      Messing was captured by Gestapo , the German army, and brought back to Berlin. He was beaten and locked up in a prison in an unconscious condition. After the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, he was hunted down by the Gestapo. He was forced to flee toward the soviet border.


     Deeply impressed by the legendry tales of Messing’s abilities, Josef Stalin decided to test to demonstrate his supposed skill at influencing the thoughts of others.

          For the test, Messing was challenged to carry out the world’s first “ Psychic bank robbery” .


The central bank of Moscow

 The next morning, Stalin asks Messing to visit the central bank in Moscow, the largest bank in the Soviet union, and withdraw one million Rubles from the bank by reading the cashier’s mind and hand the money to him by afternoon. Messing neither had any account in that bank nor did he have any cheque from that bank. Messing was searched by KGB agents and drop in front of the bank. He enters the bank with other agents keeping a close watch on him. He walks to one of the counters and hands over a bank piece of paper to the cashier. The cashier investigated that piece of paper multiple times. He then retrives the cash from his drawer and hands him one million rubles. Messing arranges the cash in his bag and walks out of the bank.

         Stalin was surprised. He confirmed from the agents only had a blank paper.


    Stalin decided to take another test to verify the abilities of Messing. The next morning, he orders his guards to capture Messing and imprison him in one of the rooms with strong security. He told Messing that he would be waiting for him in his evening tea if he manages to escape the prison with in 12 hours. The same evening, as Stalin was having his tea Messing arrived and stood in front of him. Stalin was amazed to find the guards locked up in that room in which Messing was initially placed. He stared believing in Messing’s  abilities.

           Stalin was impressed by the abilities of Messing, but he wanted him to pass the third and the most challenging test. In this test, he wanted Messing to cross all the strict parameters and meet Stalin in his bedroom by midnight.


       Due to security threats, Stalin used to sleep in different rooms. Even the security guards  were unaware as to which room their president was sleeping in that night. Stalin was sure that with so much security around and so many optical rooms to sleep in, no one can pass through the security parameters and approach him. At midnight, the door of his room opened and Messing was standing in front of him. Stalin was surprised. Stalin inquired, how did he manage to entire his room by-passing the security guards, and how no one stopped him? Messing replied that he was not stopped by any of the guards, rather they saluated him.


           Messing continued to stay in Moscow after Joseph Stalin’s demise. On 5th November 1974, his health deteriorated. Wolf messing died on the 8th  November, 1974 due to kidney failure and pulmonary oedema. He was buried in Jewish cemetery in Moscow.


    Thank You

Best wishes from


Suvendu Singha(India, Odisha, Balasore,Jaleswar)



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