Cyber Crime

         Cybercrime may be defined as “Any unlawful act where computer or communication device or computer network is used to commit or facilitate the commission of a crime” . New technologies create new criminal opportunities but few new types of crime . Cybercrime that targets computers often involves malware like viruses .


        Almost everyone is familiar with the term computer virus, but only a few might have heard about the term malware. A computer virus is a type of malware. Malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, ransomware and many others .

What is a Malware ?


·        Malware is the shortened form of malicious software.

·        Malware is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software including Ransom wares, Computer Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, Spyware, Adware, Scareware etc.

·        This is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user.

·        The term refers to software that is deployed with malicious intent.

·        Malware can be deployed even remotely, and tracking the source of malware is hard.

·        It can take the form of executable code, scripts, active content, and other software.

·        These malicious programs can perform a variety of functions, including stealing, encrypting or deleting sensitive data, altering or hijacking core computing functions and monitoring users’ computer activity without their permission.

·        This combination has enabled commercial malware providers to supply sophisticated black markets for both malware and the information that it collects.

Evolution of Malware

·        Computer-enabled fraud and service theft evolved in parallel with the information technology that enabled it.

·        The term malware was first used by computer scientist and security research YisraelRadai in 1990.

·        Before the term malware, malicious software was referred to as computer viruses.

·        One of the first known examples of malware was the Creeper virus in 1971, which was created as an experiment by BBN Technologies engineer Robert Thomas.

What is the purpose of creating a Malware?

·        Initially, it started as a prank among software developers. However, later on, malware converted into a full-fledged industry of black and white market.

·        It may be used by black hat hackers or even some governments for monitoring their targets.

·        Demand for sophisticated malware is created primarily by organised crime syndicates and state-sponsored espionage agents .

List of Common Malware types : -

·        Adware: The least dangerous and most lucrative Malware. Adware displays ads on your computer.

·        Spyware: Spyware is software that spies on you, tracking your internet activities in order to send advertising (Adware) back to your system.

·        Virus: A virus is a contagious program or code that attaches itself to another piece of software, and then reproduces itself when that software is run. Most often this is spread by sharing software or files between computers.

·        Spam: Spamming is a method of flooding the Internet with copies of the same message. Most spams are commercial advertisements which are sent as an unwanted email to users. Spams are also known as Electronic junk emails or junk newsgroup postings. These spam emails are very annoying as it keeps coming every day and keeps your mailbox full.

·        Worm: A program that replicates itself and destroys data and files on the computer. Worms work to “eat” the system operating files and data files until the drive is empty.

·        Trojan: A Trojan horse or Trojan is a type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Trojans are written with the purpose of discovering your financial information, taking over your computer’s system resources, and in larger systems creating a “denial-of-service attack” which is making a machine or network resource unavailable to those attempting to reach it. Example: Google, AOL, Yahoo or your business network becoming unavailable.

·        Backdoors: Backdoors are much the same as Trojans or worms, except that they open a “backdoor” on a computer, providing a network connection for hackers or other Malware to enter or for viruses or SPAM to be sent.

·        Rootkit: This one is likened to the burglar hiding in the attic, waiting to take from you while you are not home. It is the hardest of all Malware to detect and therefore to remove; many experts recommend completely wiping your hard drive and reinstalling everything from scratch. It is designed to permit the other information gathering Malware in to get the identity information from your computer without you realising anything is going on.

·        Keyloggers: Records everything you type on your PC in order to glean your log-in names, passwords, and other sensitive information, and send it on to the source of the keylogging program. Many times keyloggers are used by corporations and parents to acquire computer usage information.

·        Rogue security software: This one deceives or misleads users. It pretends to be a good program to remove Malware infections, but all the while it is the Malware. Often it will turn off the real Anti-Virus software.

·        Ransomware: If you see this screen that warns you that you have been locked out of your computer until you pay for your cybercrimes. Your system is severely infected with a form of Malware called Ransomware. Even if you pay to unlock the system, the system is unlocked, but you are not free of it locking you out again.

·        Browser Hijacker: When your homepage changes to one that looks like those in the images inserted next, you may have been infected with one form or another of a Browser Hijacker. This dangerous Malware will redirect your normal search activity and give you the results the developers want you to see. Its intention is to make money off your web surfing. Using this homepage and not removing the Malware lets the source developers capture your surfing interests.

How does a Malware spread :-

·        Email: Cybercriminals are notorious for including malicious attachments and links in emails that appear to come from friends, reputable organisations, or other trusted sources. Some malicious emails can even infect your computer from the email client’s preview pane, without your opening or be downloading an attachment or a link.

·        The Internet: Surfing the Web may feel like a private activity, but in fact, you’re exposing your computer to unwanted contact with anyone else who has a computer and Internet access.

·        Outdated software: Malwares can crawl the Internet, looking for vulnerabilities of outmoded software to spread its influence over computer systems.

·        Local Area Networks (LANs): A LAN is a group of locally connected computers that can share information over a private network. If one computer becomes infected with malware, all other computers in the LAN may quickly become infected as well.

·        Instant messaging (IM) and peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing systems: If one is using a client for these online activities, malware may spread to your computer.

·        Social networks: Malware authors take advantage of many popular social networks, infecting the massive user-data networks with worms. If a social website account is infected with a worm, just about anyone who visits a poster’s profile page could “catch” the worm on her system.

·        Pop-ups: Some of the most sophisticated malware spreads through well-disguised screen pop-ups that look like genuine alerts or messages. One particularly devious and widespread “hoax pop-up” claims to have scanned your computer and detected malware. If you attempt to remove the malware as urged, you’ll actually install the malware.

·        Computer storage media: Malware can be easily spread if you share computer storage media with others, such as USB drives, DVDs, and CDs. While it may seem safe to open a CD of photos from a colleague, it’s always best to scan unfamiliar files first for possible corruptions or security risks before you copy or open them.

·        Mobile devices: Mobile malware threats have become increasingly prevalent, as more people use their smartphones and tablets as mini-computers, helping malware problems proliferate across additional platforms .

In 2017 May, there was a massive global ransomware attack. The attack infected more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries including India, demanding ransom payments in bitcoin in 28 languages .

What is WannaCry ?


·        WannaCry is Encrypting Ransomware or Crypto Locker type of ransomware that is programmed to attack Microsoft Windows software.

·        According to some statistics, hackers extorted business and institutions for more than $209 million in Ransomware payments in the first three months of 2016. The business of Ransomware is on pace to be a $1 billion a year crime.

·        Shadow Brokers: People (Hackers) behind these attacks call themselves by this term .

What is the Origin of Wannacry attack?

·        It is said by Wikileaks that National Security Agency (NSA) of USA had these methods to have monitored over subjects.

·        This loophole was recently leaked by WikiLeaks.

·        The same vulnerability of Windows Operating system was used by ransomware.

·        However, Microsoft had released the security patches for the same earlier.

What does it do the computer?

·        Some variants of ransomware encrypt data in such a way that it is impossible to decrypt unless the user has an encryption key. These are called ‘Encrypting Ransomware’ that incorporate advanced encryption methods.

·        Another type of ransomware that is frequently circulated is Locker ransomware, which locks the victim out of the operating system, making it impossible to access the desktop and any apps or files. CryptoLocker, like WannaCry, is a malware when injected into a host system, scans the hard drive of the victim and targets specific file extensions and encrypts them.

How does it spread?

·        Wannacry encrypts the files on an infected computer.

·        It spreads by using a vulnerability in implementations of Server Message Block (SMB) of Windows systems. This exploit is known as ETERNALBLUE.

·        It encrypts hard disk/drive and then spread laterally between computers on the same LAN.

·        It also spreads through the malicious Email-attachment .

Some Initiatives by Government of India:

·        National Cyber Security Policy 2013: Indian Government already have a National Cyber Security Policy in place. The National Cyber Security Policy document outlines a roadmap to create a framework for comprehensive, collaborative and collective response to deal with the issue of cyber security at all levels within the country.

·        Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has been designated to act as a nodal agency for coordination of crisis management efforts. CERT-In will also act as an umbrella organisation for coordination actions and operationalization of sectoral CERTs. CERT-in will also issue early warnings.

·        Cyber Swachhta Kendra: The “Cyber Swachhta Kendra” is a Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre (BCMAC), operated by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) as part of the Government of India’s Digital India initiative under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). Its goal is to create a secure cyberspace by detecting botnet infections in India and to notify, enable cleaning and securing systems of end users so as to prevent further infections .


·        1. Child Pornography OR Child sexually abusive material (CSAM)

·        Child sexually abusive material (CSAM) refers to a material containing sexual images in any form, of a child who is abused or sexually exploited. Section 67 (B) of the IT Act states that “it is punishable for publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in the sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form.

·        2. Cyber Bullying

·        A form of harassment or bullying inflicted through the use of electronic or communication devices such as computers, mobile phones, laptops, etc.

·        3. Cyber Stalking

·        Cyberstalking is the use of electronic communication by a person to follow a person, or attempts to contact a person to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest by such person; or monitors the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication commits the offence of stalking.

·        4. Cyber Grooming

·        Cyber Grooming is when a person builds an online relationship with a young person and tricks or pressures him/ her into doing a sexual act.

·        5. Online Job Fraud

·        Online Job Fraud is an attempt to defraud people who are in need of employment by giving them false hope/ promise of better employment with higher wages.

·        6. Online Sextortion

·        Online Sextortion occurs when someone threatens to distribute private and sensitive material using an electronic medium if he/ she doesn’t provide images of a sexual nature, sexual favours, or money.

·        7. Phishing

·        Phishing is a type of fraud that involves stealing personal information such as Customer ID, IPIN, Credit/Debit Card number, Card expiry date, CVV number, etc. through emails that appear to be from a legitimate source.

·        8. Vishing

·        Vishing is an attempt where fraudsters try to seek personal information like Customer ID, Net Banking password, ATM PIN, OTP, Card expiry date, CVV etc. through a phone call.

·        9. Smishing

·        Smishing is a type of fraud that uses mobile phone text messages to lure victims into calling back on a fraudulent phone number, visiting fraudulent websites or downloading malicious content via phone or web.

·        10. Sexting

·        Sexting is an act of sending sexually explicit digital images, videos, text messages, or emails, usually by cell phone.

·        11. SIM Swap Scam

·        SIM Swap Scam occurs when fraudsters manage to get a new SIM card issued against a registered mobile number fraudulently through the mobile service provider. With the help of this new SIM card, they get One Time Password (OTP) and alerts, required for making financial transactions through the victim’s bank account. Getting a new SIM card against a registered mobile number fraudulently is known as SIM Swap.

·        12. Credit Card Fraud or Debit Card Fraud

·        Credit card (or debit card) fraud involves the unauthorized use of another’s credit or debit card information for the purpose of purchases or withdrawing funds from it.

·        13. Impersonation and identity theft

·        Impersonation and identity theft is an act of fraudulently or dishonestly making use of the electronic signature, password or any other unique identification feature of any other person.

·        14. Spamming

·        Spamming occurs when someone receives an unsolicited commercial message sent via email, SMS, MMS and any other similar electronic messaging media. They may try to persuade the recipient to buy a product or service, or visit a website where he can make purchases, or they may attempt to trick him/ her into divulging bank account or credit card details.

·        15. Ransomware

·        Ransomware is a type of computer malware that encrypts the files, storage media on communication devices like desktops, Laptops, Mobile phones etc., holding data/information as a hostage. The victim is asked to pay the demanded ransom to get his device decrypts

·        16. Viruses, Worms, and Trojans

·        A computer virus is a program written to enter your computer and damage/alter your files/data and replicate itself.

·        Worms are malicious programs that make copies of themselves again and again on the local drive, network shares, etc.

·        A Trojan horse is not a virus. It is a destructive program that looks like a genuine application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. Trojans open a backdoor entry to your computer which gives malicious users/programs access to your system, allowing confidential and personal information to be theft.

·        17. Data Breach

·        A data breach is an incident in which information is accessed without authorization.

·        18. Denial of Services (DoS) attack

·        A denial of Services (DoS) attack is an attack intended for denying access to computer resources without the permission of the owner or any other person who is in charge of a computer, computer system or computer network.

·        A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources.

·        19. Website Defacement

·        Website Defacement is an attack intended to change the visual appearance of a website and/ or make it dysfunctional. The attacker may post indecent, hostile and obscene images, messages, videos, etc.

·        20. Cyber-Squatting

·        Cyber-Squatting is an act of registering, trafficking in or using a domain name with an intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.

·        21. Pharming

·        Pharming is a cyber-attack aiming to redirect a website’s traffic to another, bogus website.

·        22. Cryptojacking

·        Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies.

·        23. Online Drug Trafficking

·        Online Drug Trafficking is a crime of selling, transporting, or illegally importing unlawful controlled substances, such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, or other illegal drugs using electronic means.

·        24. Espionage

·        Espionage is the act or practice of obtaining data and information without the permission and knowledge of the owner .

How to file a Cybercrime complaint online in India?

A cybercrime complaint can be filed using the National Crime Reporting Portal of India.

Website link is –

National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal of India

This portal is an initiative of the Government of India to facilitate victims/ complainants to report cybercrime complaints online.

This portal caters for all types of cybercrime complaints including complaints pertaining to

·        online Child Pornography (CP),

·        Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM),

·        sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape (CP/RGR) content and

·        other cybercrimes such as mobile crimes, online and social media crimes, online financial frauds, ransomware, hacking, cryptocurrency crimes and online cyber trafficking.

The portal also provides an option of reporting an anonymous complaint about reporting online Child Pornography (CP) or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape (RGR) content.

Cybercrime Helpline Number

The Cyber Crime Helpline Number is 155260.

Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN or ICERT)

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN or ICERT) is an office within the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of the Government of India.

CERT-In is the national nodal agency for responding to computer security incidents as and when they occur. CERT-In is operational since January 2004.

CERT-In has been designated to serve as the national agency to perform the following functions in the area of cyber security:

·        Collection, analysis and dissemination of information on cyber incidents.

·        Forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents.

·        Emergency measures for handling cyber security incidents.

·        Coordination of cyber incident response activities.

·        Issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes and whitepapers relating to information security practices, procedures, prevention, response and reporting of cyber incidents.

·        Such other functions relating to cyber security may be prescribed.

CERT-IN has overlapping responsibilities with other agencies such as National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC).


Cyber Laws in India

Information Technology Act 2000 (IT Act 2000) is the main law connected with cyber security in India.

Indian Penal Code, 1860 is also used to book criminals connected with cybercrimes.

India also has a cyber security policy  .

 Thank you for read

Best wishes from   

Suvendu Singh & Mamata Singha

India , Odisha , Balasore , Jaleswar


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